A metal bird brought us here on Sept. 14, 2006. All safe and sound, also the precious cargo, our furry guardians (though they were very exhausted).
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All must begin in a haze, in Chaos - somewhere where there is not a clear view to anything you see.
So, somewhere there, behind the diminishing light and mist of the evening, are the Lefka Ori (White Mountains) we viewed and saw from our balcony while in Plaka.

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Our guardian philosophers, Ida & Milli are brooding on the balconies in the Plaka house, without a worry more than a philosophical outlook on the strange new situation they, and we, are in - right now.
Without their healthy attitude we might not have survived the beginning...

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A visitor to be barked away by our otherwise philosophically oriented, but nevertheless beastly guardians. - Had it been the other visitor, the friendly he-dog, Jasu, our she-philosophers would have rolled on their backs...

Another way of adjusting to us being here is to view this:
One more enjoyable Greek wine our friends have for us
(This link will open a new window in your browser, so return here...)

The house in Plaka was our refuge for the two weeks before moving to the house of our choice in Kalyves.
The Plaka house was splendid indeed, though not to the very taste of our guardians;-). It had a magnificent view both to the sea and to the mountains. And a superb library on the shelves of the owners' of the house. Two weeks is ample enough time to muse on the likings of the people who have brought all those books from merry old England to their house in Crete. One thing became evident. The "librarians" must have a passion for, or a very important link with, the theatre. And especially with Henry Irving, a celebrated actor of the London stages since 1850 till 1905.

When I found the Karl Marx biography (by Francis Wheen, 1999) from the lower right-hand corner of one of the book cases, and started reading, I also found that around page 20 a previous reader had marked a page because Henry Irving was mentioned there.
Besides all the things at hand (orienting our guardians, ourselves, and the all of us, to the prospect of staying in Crete for the following 6 to 7 months) I just, plain enjoyed the book. It's wise!

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